Friday 3 May 2013

Demam General Election

Sekarang nie penuh dekat media sosial about general election yang akan berlangsung ahad ini..hari2 ada je orang yang akan post or share sumthing about parti2 yang akan bertanding..and honestly, i'm getting sick and tired and annoyed bout all this post about general election nie..berharap sesangat supaya all this to end fast! Yes, i hate politics but that doesn't mean that i don't care bout our country's politics or i don't take note of what is happening to our country or whatever or x ambil peduli tentang whatever is happening..Yes, saya ambik tahu segala perkembangan politik Malaysia or what is happening with the General Election..but i decided to just keep quiet and watch and ambik mana yang saya rasa penting untuk saya ketahui and not make myself get involve with all the bashing up people that has a different kind of political view from me..Yes! saya belum mendaftar untuk mengundi and i'm not proud of it, and i know semua orang akan cakap siapa yang x mengundi tue x payah nak cakap banyak or masuk campur but this is my point of view, and i'm also a citizen of Malaysia and i have the rights to say whatever i want becoz Malaysia is my country..

Setiap orang ada pandangan masing2 or parti mana yang mereka rasa dapat melaksanakan tanggungjawab sebagai seorang pemimpin yang berwibawa..Setiap orang ada cara pemikiran berbeza, hati yang berbeza, semuanya berbeza..So, kenapa mesti maki hamun, caci mencaci, kutuk mengutuk, fitnah memfitnah dan sebagainya bila ada orang yang berbeza pendapat dengan kita? itu adalah hak mereka untuk berkata apa sahaja, berfikir apa sahaja, memilih siapa sahaja..siapa kita untuk judge samada pilihan mereka itu betul atau salah..

In my opinion, POLITICS x pernah bersih..dekat mana2 negara pun POLITICS x pernah bersih..because why? sebab manusia nie x perfect..manusia nie ada hawa nafsu yang kadang2 akan kecundang dengan adanya bisikan syaitan yang menghasut kita untuk ikut nafsu, sesiapa saja x kisah lar kerajaan or pembangkang, mereka itu hanya lah manusia and mereka itu tidak perfect..and kita (rakyat) juga hanyalah manusia yang tidak, everyone makes, what if everyone makes mistakes? it's good to make mistakes coz from the mistakes we've done, we'll learn to try to be better and make things better than before..lebih baik buat kesilapan daripada tidak pernah membuat kesilapan langsung dan merasakan bahawa diri itu hebat...sebab dalam dunia nie xde sape yang hebat or perfect melainkan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan Maha Berkuasa..So, u can't expect whoever that is going to lead us in the future to be perfect and that he will never make mistakes in the future because he is not God..and he will never be..

POLITICS itu memang kotor..tapi nak tau apa yang membuatkan dia lagi kotor? orang2 yang terlalu taksub and fanatik di bawah parti tersebut..x kesah lar kerajaan or pembangkang..pengikut2 dia yang terlalu fanatik dan taksub lar yang membuatkan parti itu nampak kotor..kenapa mesti terlalu taksub or fanatik dengan semua ini..kalau anda menyokong PR or anda menyokong BN, sokong je lar..x perlu nak lempar kata2 kesat, post gambar2 yang tidak senonoh, or mengada2kan cerita yang belum pasti kesahihannnya 100%..jangan terlalu taksub sehingga mata dan hati buta untuk melihat kebenaran sehingga sanggup mengeluarkan fitnah, sehingga biarkan diri nampak seperti orang yang tidak berpelajaran..sehingga lupa dosa2 yang mungkin ditanggung dengan berkelakuan sedemikian rupa..Undi itu rahsia..Undi itu hak masing2..Ayat itu singkat dan saya rasa mudah untuk difahami..tapi kenapa perlu orang ramai membuatkan semua ini complicated? Kalau anda nak berkempen pun, kempen lar tapi tak perlu nak menghina or menjatuhkan maruah or membuka aib orang lain..Kenapa mesti fokus pada benda2 yang negative sedangkan kita boleh fokuskan pada benda2 yang positive which i think banyak je benda positive yang kita boleh fokuskan kalau kita buka mata dan hati kita untuk menerima kebenaran..

And kali ini semua orang bercakap pasal UBAH..Perubahan..Changes..In my opinion, benda yang paling utama yang kita patut UBAH adalah MENTALITY dan SIKAP setiap rakyat and START bekerjasama, bersatu padu sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang cintakan keamanan yang telah kita kecapi selama ini..Yes! kita boleh ubah leader, ubah kerajaan, and so forth..Tapi, kalau mentality rakyat dan sikap rakyat yang suka bergadoh, berbalah, maki hamun and semua, ubah lar mcm mana pun, tapi negara kita tetap akan berada di takuk yang sama..Macam mana kita nak adakan perubahan kalau diri kita sendiri tidak berubah untuk menjadi yang lebih baik? Kita semua mengharapkan pemimpin yang lebih baik, tapi diri kita sendiri?? adakah diri kita dah lebih baik sehingga boleh judge orang sesuka hati or menyalahkan orang lain dan mencari kesalahan orang lain?

So, please, sebelum mengeluarkan statement or status or kata2 or share whatever post in FB, or Twitter or media social yang lain, think first..siasat dulu sumber itu boleh dipercayai or kesahihan dia dah benar2 terbukti 100% true..jangan pakai cakap ikut sedap mulut or post benda2 yang boleh membuatkan orang sakit hati or tersinggung or kalau kita buat salah dengan Allah, kita boleh minta ampun dengan Allah, tapi kalau kita buat salah dengan manusia, kita kena cari and jumpa manusia tue and minta maaf dengan dia sendiri..jangan terlalu pentingkan hal2 di dunia sehingga lupa tujuan sebenar kita di muka bumi ini..

So, siapa yang akan mengundi pada hari Ahad nie, selamat mengundi..Buat pilihan yang anda rasa terbaik untuk anda, family anda, rakyat Malaysia dan negara Malaysia..Jangan biarkan mata dan hati anda kotor dan buta dengan segala tipu helah atau taktik kotor dari mana2 parti..In the end, everything is all up to Him..Allah, stop bashing up people, start bersatu padu dan bekerjasama untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara yang dihormati dan disegani oleh negara2 lain dan kekalkan keamanan dan keharmonian yang telah kita kecapi..Assalamualaikum..

Monday 31 December 2012

Welcoming the year 2013

2012 has left us and it's a wrap..A new journey has begun..welcoming the year 2013 with a big smile and lotsa hope for this new year..
2012 wasn't a really nice year for was a little bit rough and bumpy year for me..lotsa things happened and it has taught me a lot of lessons which makes me a bit more wiser and matured..2012 was the year filled with tears, heartbreaks, being hated by many and losing a friend..despite all that, there were still laughters and memorable memories for me to treasure for the rest of my life..but, whatever it is i am still blessed with the people in my life and for those that are no longer in my life maybe it was just not meant to be and maybe that is just a lesson for us in the future..i am trying not to hate anyone coz hate gives me a really bad and negative vibes which i, thank you to those who stayed and for those who left, thank you for leaving coz u made me learn my lesson and be a lil wiser and matured..
Now, let's close the 2012 book and open up a new one with the title 2013..let's make the best out of it and try to make it a better year than the previous hoping that this year will be a great year ahead and i'll keep on trying and learning to make myself a better person than before and hoping that lotsa good things awaits for me in the days to come..
Happy New Year 2013!

Sunday 30 December 2012

friends, bestfriends and sisters for life

this girl is one of the people that i love the most beside my family and one of the most important person in my life..she's my friend, bestfriend, my soulsister, my good adviser, my listener, and sumtimes she can even be my mum when she nags at me..haha..but i still love her no matter what..

 this is girl is also one of the most important person in my life and i love her so much..and she is like my adik..and believe it or not she's happily married and she's younger than me..tercabar siot..haha..kidding..i'm happy that she's happy with her love life now..semoga berkekalan till jannah okay darling..

and this 5 girls, they are also in my most important person list in my life..been friends since we were in primary them to bits...

and this girl is also part of the list..baru 2 tahun lebih kenal but rasa macam dah lama kenal..walaupun dah lama kenal but x penah ada gambar together...coz bila jumpa sembang x abis2 smpi x ingt dunia..haha..

well, the reason i post all this is not because nak bagitau i ada ramai kawan or my kawan2 nie lawa and single and cantik or whatsoever..this post is to tell them that i appreciate every single one of them for entering my life and make my life more cheerful and matter how many fights we had, how many misunderstandings and miscommunication we had, or how far we are from each other or how long we didn't contact each other, but we know that we have each others back no matter what..bukan x appreciate kawan2 yang lain..tapi mereka2 di atas ini yang sentiasa bersama saya through all the ups and downs in my life..yang x pernah jemu melayan kerenah and mengada-ness saya..yang x pernah jemu mendengar cerita, drama, gossip, rintihan hati saya..haha..well, kita patut kawan jer dengan semua orang..x baik musuh2 nie..but, dalam banyak2 kawan yg sy ada, this are a few peeps that i feel will never leave me and will always be there for me whenever i need them even jarang contact and jauh sebab mengejar cita2 and impian me, friends are my everything..x kesah lar yang rapat ke, yang x rapat ke, asalkan nama kawan, mereka semua penting dalam hidup sy..and i feel blessed for having each and every one of them in my life..and i'm happy to see them happy with their life now and masing2 sedang mengejar cita2 masing2 and semua ada haluan hidup mereka long as they are happy, i'm happy too..semoga all of us dapat apa yang kita nak dalam hidup and semoga berjaya dlm haluan masing2 and may this friendship stays till jannah.. :)

Saturday 22 December 2012

exam is just around the corner and i just can't wait for this semester to heart, mind and soul is already back home with my family..this semester is really the worst semester ever in my 4 years of studying here..what i meant by worst semester is the management this year..everything is sooo kelam kabut and not organize..u have come up with an academic calendar why can't u just follow the god damn academic calender that u is as simple as that..ini tak..langsung x ikut academic calendar and suka2 mak bapak diorg jer nak tunda exam at the very last minute when we have book our ticket few months before..studying here is so lar teruk mcm mana pun it all depends on luck..if u have all the luck in the world u'll get good grades for ur papers..but if u don't then say byebye to ur good grades and pointer..anyways, that never stop me from trying my very best even though i know it won't help much..but at least i know that i've tried my very best rather than not trying and blaming it on the system and lecturers and etc kan..
anyways, one of the lecturers send a text message to me saying that she'll give us the exam earlier since we r gonna go back on the 11th..and i was so happy that i nearly cried..after all, they're not that bad like how all of us think they are..maybe if we try to think more postive and try to negotiate better with the lecturers i'm sure things will go as what we, now we're still waiting for some answers from other lecturers on whether the exams can be brought forward so that we don't have to change our tickets or burn them..just praying and hoping for the best now...

The reason why i still stay...

setiap orang ada taste masing2..and ada ciri masing2 yang diorg nak pada bf or bakal suami diorg..and all that i believe is made based on what we think is best for, Allah dah jadikan setiap dari kita berbeza dari segi rupa, bentuk badan, saiz badan, warna kulit, jenis rambut and, no matter who we choose to be with and who we choose to love, there are reasons behind every decisions we make..and most important is whatever happens, and whoever that comes into our lifes, Allah knows best and He knows what's best for us and that's why He puts them in our, don't make decisions based on what others tells u..make ur own decisions based on what ur heart tells u and what u think is best for u..

Thursday 15 November 2012

Salam Maal Hijrah 1434

Salam Maal Hijrah 1434 H

kita dah pun masuk tahun baru according to calendar Islam..A new year..A new book..A new resolution..A new me..i hope to change to a better person than before and put more positivity in me and throw away all the negativity..

"Berhijrah tu tak susah, susah tu hanya dalam fikiran kita."
"to change is not difficult, but the difficulties come within us."

kalau kita nak berubah, kita cuba untuk berubah walau pun usaha tue sekecil2 zarah..yang penting hati kita..niat kita..keikhlasan kita dalam's all in the mind..if the mind says hard, then everything will be hard..but if the mind says it's easy, then everything will be easy..akhirnya, semua akan bergantung pada diri sendiri..tanya pada diri kita adakah kita inginkan perubahan..kalau ya, work for it..kalau tidak, istiqamah dan reflect balik pada diri kita..

semoga tahun ini akan menjadi lebih baik dari tahun2 yang sebelum nie..semoga tercapai segala impian dan hasrat yang tertanam di hati ini..Amiin..

Friday 2 November 2012

true beauty

obese? over-weight? gemok? chubby? kurus? slim and slender? pear-shaped? hour-glass shaped? apple shaped? bla..bla..bla..
yes..semua tue sering menjadi perbualan and percakapan manusia pada zaman sekarang..
isu yang sering menjadi isu yang sensitive kalau di kalangan wanita which is concerning bout weight issue..
yes..everyone wants to look look look be able to wear any clothes that we want without having trouble to find the right size or whatsoever..
but do u guys know that actually being healthy, being confident, accepting urself the way u are, having a great personality and charisma, positive attitude and being comfortable with urself and most important is to respect yourself is the true beauty?
kalau cantik kat muka and body je, tapi mulut busuk macam bau longkang pun x guna jugak yer akak2..biar kita cantik luaran dan juga luaran tue hanya sementara..bila2 Allah boleh tarik nikmat kecantikan luaran kita tue..yang paling penting adalah kecantikan dalaman kita..akhlak kita..perangai kita..personality kita..
let's say if there's a girl who has nice features, nice skin, nice body shape and etc, but when she starts to open her mouth, people will pandang serong at her..becoz why? becoz she cursed a lot, use inappropriate words in her daily speech and whatsoever..a lady who cursed is not a, ada ke proverbs tue? whatever point is, x manis kalau perempuan mencarut..
yer, saya pun mencarut jugak..and i'm trying my best to stop this bad habit of mine..coz mmg sangat x manis kalau orang lain mendengar perkataan2 sebegitu..
and, it really annoys me when sumone says that she's fat and she wants to diet, she wants to be thin and etc..padahal badan dia xdelar gemok mana pun if berbanding ngan kita nie..but what really annoys me is that u talk a lot bout dieting, bout getting thin and exercising but i don't see u doing any of those that comes out from your mouth..
helloooo!! have u heard bout this saying "action speaks louder than words"?? if u have, then DO IT! don't just sit around, do nothing, keep on eating one plate full as if u didn't eat one year but u constantly talking bout getting thin and that u want to diet..talking only won't get u thin my dear..kononnya kau nak diet nasi, makan sekali sehari, tapi bila kau makan sekali sehari tue mcm kau xkn makan setahun dh..lepas tue exercise malas..kalau nak diet ke hape, nak kurus ke hape, xyah nak bising 24 jam..DIAM and DO SOMETHING!
so, to have true beauty, one has to stay healthy, practice healthy lifestyle, practice the right diet, exercise, stay positive, stop cursing, have a great personality and charisma, present urself to others in the best presentable ways and most important RESPECT urself and your body no matter what size you are, what shape u are, and how much you weigh..coz you are beautiful in your own don't have to please others by the way you look..sebab yang penting kita nampak cantik di mata Allah.. :)